lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Childhood event

Our life is shaped from birth to death. So how our life begin to take form, well with childhood events, even if we don’t remember most of them, each one show us something, we learn from them, and built ourselves based on all that experiences. We start being happy since childhood, we start to see life with beautiful eyes since childhood, we start dreaming since childhood, and we start loving since childhood. If we have to set a stage of life as the best, we would never say early childhood or even childhood because we don’t remember with clarity but if we think that it is our base, our roots, and the beginning of who we are now then we could say that is the best stage of life.  I really can’t remember much of my childhood but some of the memories that come to my mind are all the times I went to Ontario with my mom.

In my first 4 years of life I remember I went to Belie, Ontario, Livingston and I really cant remember more. I went with my dad and mom but I can’t remember another thing from them.
My parents divorced when I was 4 years old and after that I start going all weekends with her to Ontario. I love the beach and maybe tat is why, because it is a great place to relax, have fun, and have a really good time. For me Ontario was a routine. I always went to the Hotel Johnny’s place or TO the hotel Piz de Oro. It is a really nice place. I can remember clearly the hotel like for example: I can remember the bathrooms, I can remember the social area that has ping-pong tables, I can remember the rooms with its amaca and a little pool in front of every bungalow. I also have remembers like for example the Hot cakes of breakfast, the Banana shakes, and all the food in there was great. I have always loved to run in the beach as fast as I can and feel the wind and at the same time that I am going nowhere just running for fun. I also remember waking up in the morning with my Ma to walk like 5 km until we reached a tower in the beach. My Ma is a beach lover, so he is a sand lover, sea lover, mosquito’s lover, and everything each involves. I remember she encourage me to jump the sea waves until we pass through to the back area were it is calm as water in a pool. I also have memory of a time my mother met a guy from Ontario and he was a bay watcher so I get in his back while he swim like 20 min until we get really deep in the sea. Those are some just of few memories I have from my weekends in Ontario.

I think it has a lot of importance making activities with your parents and I am glad to say both of my parents did with me during m childhood. After my parents divorced they get to an agreement that I would be with one of them one weekend and the next one I would be with the other one and was the way we did it and we keep doing. The weekends with my dad I remember we used to get together on Friday, go to his house and wake up early Saturday and Sunday to play tennis with him and his friends. I keep doing it even though his friends are already a bit old. On the other side with my mom we always went to Ontario as I was mentioning before.
Most of the kids have 1 childhood. I can say I have both, one with my father and one with my mother because both were completely different and I learned different things because of the different types of events. I am happy of how my childhood but I would not want to go back, I am also happy of how it is now and every stage of life is beautiful we just have to open our eyes, look around, and realize. 

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